
Strategy / Branding / Packaging / Uniforms


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We were approached to help develop a strategy, brand and website for a new construction company that would be client-focused and would value high-quality projects. The client wanted a brand that was honest and approachable, yet professional, capable and robust. They aimed to attract unique and bespoke projects, and appeal to clients who cared about achieving a high quality finished result.



The construction industry is highly competitive, and Ardor Group had to position itself as a trusted and well-connected company that could deliver projects of any size on time, on budget, and executed in a thoughtful manner. To avoid pitfalls such as unrealistic expectations, or taking on clients who weren't a good fit for the company ethos, BrandWorks had to develop a branding strategy that would differentiate Ardor Group from other companies.


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To achieve Ardor Group's goals, we started by developing a comprehensive branding strategy that would define their values, ethos, and vision. We wanted to create a brand that would communicate Ardor Group's unique selling points, including their client-first philosophy, their appreciation for design, and their ability to solve site-specific challenges. We also wanted to showcase their team's experience and their commitment to delivering high-quality construction.

The first step was to create a unique brand name, Ardor Group, which reflects the company's passion, enthusiasm, and commitment to their clients' projects. We created a brand identity that included a logo, typography, and colour scheme that represented the brand's core values. The logo's design featured a stylized "O" which can be used on its own as an icon across brand touchpoints. The brand was rolled out across a range of digital and print collateral items including vehicle decals, project hoarding and business cards.

To communicate Ardor Group's unique selling points, we developed a new company website with a tone of voice that was approachable, down-to-earth, and collaborative. The website provides a convenient point of contact including company information, and details of completed projects.



The branding process resulted in a strong brand identity and messaging framework that positioned Ardor Group as a trusted and well-connected company that could deliver high-quality construction projects of any size.

